The Average Broker Rating for Axcelis Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ:$ACLS) is currently sitting at 1.6, based on 5 firms, according to Zacks. The ABR rank within the industry is at 36. The ABR rating is an aggregate average of all sell-side firms’ ratings of the company. It takes the disparate rating systems and converts them all to a 5-point scale where one equals ‘Strong-Buy’, two equals ‘Buy’, three equals ‘Hold’, four equals ‘Sell’, and five equals ‘Strong-Sell’. The stock also has a target price of $26.20 for the year. This number reflects where analysts expect the stock to reach in a given time period.
Analysts study publicly traded companies and base their recommendations on the research. Though some are broad, most specialize in some specific industry or sector. This means that analysts can be particularly influential. Simply mentioning a stock in any form of media can cause the stock’s prices to move violently, even if no recommendation or fundamental information is provided about the stock. Each firm also has its own standard for rating stocks. Some may use ‘Buy’ while another may use ‘Overperform’.
Most investors are also aware that stocks will not all conform to a single behavior during an economic change. Various factors that may send one stock spiraling may spur another stock higher. This is why it is important to diversify your portfolio with securities across different sectors and to carefully plan how much you are willing to risk on any one single stock. Although professional advice may help in this, it is always a good idea to do some legwork yourself and get to the heart of any potential investment.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the company’s earnings.
Current analysts forecasts indicate that Axcelis will post $0.31 earnings per share during their next quarterly report. In that last quarterly report, Axcelis posted earnings of $0.33 per share, which was above analyst forecasts of $0.28. Shares have moved $10.71 over the past week and $24.50 over the past month. The stock also has a trailing 12-month earnings per share of $0.82. This information is based on three analysts predictions.
In a recent session, the stock closed at $31 with an average trading volume of 632,947. The 52-week High-Low range currently stands at 99.25%, while the stock’s 52 week low stands at $11.20. Over the past 12 weeks, the stock has moved 34.2%. The stock also moved 113.06% year-to-date.
80%, or 4, analysts have currently rated the stock a ‘Buy’ or ‘Strong-Buy’.
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