Since open today, shares of mCig, Inc. (OTC:$MCIG) moved $0.005, a volatility of 3.09%. The company currently has a 778,217 share trade volume and saw a recent bid of $0.1670.
When looking for a stock, equity market investors have a lot of tools at their disposal. With so much data to consider, one of the most important tasks is sorting out what information is useful and what is not. Knowing how to separate the vital information from the nonsense can be a difficult task with so many financial headlines. Once an investor knows what to look for, however, they will find it easier to spot opportunities in the sometimes puzzling stock market.
The Relative Strength Index – or RSI – is a momentum indicator that compares the price movement over time. Created by J. Welles Wilder to measure if a stock is oversold or overbought, the RSI may be used for spotting abnormal price activity and volatility. The scale ranges from 0 to 100, with a normal rating of between 30 and 70. When a stock dips below 30, it indicates the stock is oversold, whereas a rating that rises above 70 would indicate a stock that is overbought. Over the last 14 days, mCig’s RSI sits at 37.68. Over 7 days it is at 38.18. Over 3 days, it is at 40.95.
The Average Directional Index – or ADX – is used to indicate directional movement and momentum of the trend. In general, ratings of 0-25 show a weak or absent trend, 20-50 indicates a strong trend, 50-75 indicates a strong trend, and 75-100 indicates an extremely strong trend. It’s often used in conjunction with the Plus Directional indicator and the Minus Directional Indicator to identify the direction of the trend. For the last 14 days, the ADX for mCig is sitting at 30.23.
Currently, mCig’s shares have Williams Percentage Range of -79.31 over the last 14 days. The range runs from 0 to -100 and can be used to indicate when a stock may be oversold or overbought. When the rating drops below -80, the stock is said to be oversold, whereas if it goes above -20, it is considered overbought. This metric was developed by Larry Williams and is the inverse of the Fast Stochastic Oscillator.
The Commodity Channel Index – or CCI – is a coincidental indicator that runs from +100 to -100 that indicate uptrends and downtrends, with +100 indicating strong price action and an uptrend and -100 indicating weak price action and a downtrend. The metric may also be used to indicate an oversold or undersold stock and suggesting possible trend reversals. mCig currently has a CCI of -187.10.
The 7, 50 and 200-day moving averages can be used to help remove confusing day-to-day noise that can distract investors. They can also help identify downward and upward trends and shift momentum. The company currently sits at a 7 day moving average of $0.17, $0.21 over 50 days, and $0.24 over the past 200 days.
Featured Image: depositphotos/Petrovich99