There is One Major Benefit That Airbnb Has Over Hotels


This important aspect can be different for you if you choose to stay in a holiday rental home like Airbnb as opposed to a traditional hotel room.

Despite the fact that sleep is an essential component of good health, the foundation discovered that almost half of all Americans report feeling sleepy during the day on anywhere from three to seven days per week.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States found that 35 percent of adult Americans receive less sleep than the recommended seven hours each night. The recommended amount of sleep for adults is seven to nine hours.

One of the primary contributors to excessive daytime sleepiness is not getting enough sleep, which is estimated to impact up to 18% of the population in the United States.

According to the foundation, a number of infamous workplace accidents were directly or indirectly caused by excessive sleepiness or a lack of sleep. These include the accident that occurred in 1979 at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant, the nuclear disaster that occurred in 1986 at Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez oil spill that occurred in 1989.

Travelers Need Sleep, Too

As a result of the removal of limits on covid-19, more people are going to be traveling, and those people need their sleep.

According to the findings of a study conducted by the Sleep Foundation, the vast majority of vacationers report experiencing a higher quality of sleep when staying in a vacation rental property rather than a hotel.

In comparison, only 53.8% of respondents who stayed in hotels reported getting the recommended amount of sleep. However, more than two-thirds of respondents, or 66.9%, reported getting at least the recommended seven hours of sleep when staying in an Airbnb, a Vrbo, or another similar vacation rental.

Along with Sleep Cycle, SleepFoundation conducted a survey of more than one thousand users of the Sleep Cycle app who had taken a trip during the previous two years.

“People might sleep better in a vacation home because it has the best of both worlds,” Alex Dimitriu, founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine in Menlo Park, California, and a member of the medical-review board of said in a statement. is a nonprofit organization that promotes healthy sleep.

“It’s a home with all the amenities, but at the same time, it’s not your typical home,” he added. “It’s not your typical home.”

According to the findings of the study, the most important factor in getting a good night’s sleep while traveling is comfort, particularly with regard to a good pillow and bed. This was selected as the most important factor by 31.1% of respondents, ranking it higher than temperature, quietness, and other factors.

Also, vacation rentals have the potential to be more peaceful than hotels, which frequently have loud hallways. On the other hand, they are more likely to be disturbed by early morning lawnmowers and parties held by their neighbors.

Getting Some Lost Sleep Back

According to the foundation, which cited a study from 2022, travel may also have a balancing effect on sleep. The study indicated that persons who sleep nine hours or more on a normal night at home got less sleep while they are away from home.

Those who sleep for five hours or less at home are more inclined to sleep for longer periods of time when they are away from home.

According to Sigga Svala Jonadottir, the senior data scientist in Iceland’s capital city of Reykjavik who served as the study’s primary researcher, “As a result, they are making up for lost sleep when they are away from home on weekday nights.”

According to the foundation, practices that help you sleep better at home may also help you sleep better in a new environment.

In order to promote excellent sleep, Dimitriu suggested engaging in activities outside and exposing oneself to natural light. He suggested avoiding alcohol as well as meals late in the evening, both of which reduce the quality of sleep.

In Addition to That, Consume a Lot of Water

“Hydration is key because if you’re very dehydrated, it may cause nasal irritation, and breathing may be harder,” Singh explained, noting that a quick, warm shower can help you fall asleep. “Hydration is key because if you’re very dehydrated, it may cause nasal irritation, and breathing may be harder,” Singh explained.

Featured Image: Freepik @ oatawa

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