Boomers Supporting Gen Z and Millennials

The economic landscape has shifted dramatically in recent years, highlighting an interesting phenomenon where Baby Boomers are increasingly subsidizing the financial needs of Gen Z and Millennials. This support ranges from helping with student loans to contributing towards housing costs.

One of the primary reasons for this financial dependency is the rising cost of education. College tuition fees have soared, leaving many young adults with substantial debt. As a result, parents and even grandparents are stepping in to alleviate some of this burden. According to a recent study, over 60% of Boomers are assisting their children with student loan payments1.

Another significant area where Boomers are providing support is the housing market. With property prices hitting record highs, many Millennials and Gen Z individuals find it challenging to afford their first home. Boomers are often providing down payments or co-signing mortgages to help their children secure housing. This trend is particularly noticeable in expensive urban areas where the cost of living is exceptionally high.

Additionally, the job market’s instability has contributed to this intergenerational financial support. The gig economy, while offering flexibility, often lacks the stability and benefits of traditional employment. This has led to younger generations relying more on their parents for financial security, especially during periods of unemployment or underemployment.

However, this dynamic is not without its challenges. Boomers, many of whom are approaching or already in retirement, may find their own financial resources stretched thin. The need to balance their retirement savings with the financial needs of their children can create significant stress and financial strain.

Despite these challenges, the support provided by Boomers is often crucial for the younger generation’s financial stability and growth. It allows them to pursue higher education, invest in property, and navigate the uncertainties of the modern job market. As such, the financial interdependence between these generations is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

Understanding this dynamic is essential for both generations. For Boomers, it’s important to plan their finances carefully, ensuring they can provide support without compromising their retirement. For Gen Z and Millennials, acknowledging the support they receive and planning for their financial independence is equally crucial.


  • Over 60% of Boomers are assisting their children with student loan payments. Source.

Featured Image: Megapixl @ Stockhouse
