WALSALL, England, Aug. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Department for Education is currently reviewing Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) alongside experts in health, children’s development and safeguarding. The James Brindley Foundation believes that now is a perfect opportunity to introduce the prevention of knife crime into the RSHE curriculum, so schools can educate children in a programme of consequential thinking.
As things stand, any education in schools and colleges around knife crime is ad-hoc and needs to be formalised as part of the curriculum and audited by Ofsted, to ensure they are meeting agreed standards. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/634860
According to the Office For National Statistics – https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/crimeinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2023#knife-or-sharp-instrument-offences
- 18% of all knife crime offences were committed by children (10-17yrs).
- The rate of homicide with a sharp instrument amongst 13-19 yr olds was the highest on record.
- The largest increase in homicides was amongst boys between 16 and 17 yrs.
70% of children admitted to hospital with knife injuries have been assaulted with the weapon they were carrying.
Children are making life changing decisions to carry a knife, which have catastrophic consequences for both themselves and others. We must teach our children the consequences that ensue from their actions, and how to stay safe without breaking the law.
Education should reflect the society and the times we live in.
We have until September to achieve 100,000 signatures supporting our petition, which triggers discussion in Parliament. This is a huge task in a very short space of time, but with the support of the media and community partners I’m sure we can achieve it!
It takes just a moment to sign up and we believe that every signature will have a direct impact on saving lives; everyone should do it and feel proud that they have contributed to a vital step change in our children’s education and safety.
The James Brindley Foundation is a registered charity, set up following a fatal unprovoked knife attack on James Brindley, June 2017.
Alongside professionals in education, health and social care, the Brindley family launched a unique educational programme for children and young people, and an assessment tool for professionals. The ‘Full Circle’ programme tackles the root causes of serious youth violence, using an evidence based 360 degree approach. https://jamesbrindleyfoundation.co.uk/the-james-brindley-full-circle-programme/
Mark Brindley
Telephone 07711223345
Featured image: © Alex011973