From 20th to 24th January 2024, the very best of artisan “dolce” foodservice, both Made in Italy and elsewhere, will be the main feature at Italian Exhibition Group’s Expo Centre
RIMINI, Italy, Dec. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The entire industry of “dolce” foodservice art will be gathering in Italy at Rimini as of 20th January, transforming the city into the capital of world taste for five days. Sigep – The Dolce World Expo (45th edition), the international exhibition of reference for artisan gelato, pastry, bakery and coffee, organised by Italian Exhibition Group, will be presenting more than 1,200 brands, delegations of top international buyers from 80 countries, including the United States, Spain, Canada, Turkey, Brazil, India, France, China and the United Arab Emirates (thanks to the valuable collaboration with ITA – Italian Trade Agency), together with the world’s most renowned pastry chefs and gelato masters, amidst numerous new products, innovations, trends and exciting international competitions.

Sigep, a unique platform for developing networking and business, will raise the curtain on “dolce” foodservice excellence, both Made in Italy and beyond, offering all those attending the event the extraordinary opportunity to engage in the sector’s hot topics and learn about new trends under the spotlights of the Vision Plaza, the splendid stage on which the new “dolce” trends will be outlined in detail by the great professionals.
A top-class programme brimming with international competitions, workshops and demos will kick off in the six “Arenas” – Dolce, Gelato, Pastry, Choco, Coffee and Bakery. Competitions will take centre stage in the Gelato Arena with the Gelato World Cup that will decide the winning team for the title of Gelato World Champion 2024 and Sigep Gelato D’Oro for the best Italian gelato and pastry professionals, who will then go on to compete in the second edition of the Gelato Europe Cup, scheduled for Sigep 2025. In the Choco Arena, the Italian final of the World Panettone Championship will allow access to the grand final scheduled for November 2024. The Pastry Arena will host the Junior Pastry World Championship, JPWC and the Italian Senior and Junior Pastry Championships. At SIGEP Giovani, a competition and training project, we will find the very young of pastry making. Last but not least, Young Ideas in the Bakery Arena will feature the competition aimed at talents in the bakery art from Italian hotel and catering schools and professional training bodies.
head of media relation & corporate communication: Elisabetta Vitali; press office manager: Marco Forcellini; international press office coordinator: Silvia Giorgi;, +39 0541 74 4814
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SOURCE Italian Exhibition Group
Featured image: Megapixl © Ronstik