Cohiba Minerals Limited (CHK.AX) December 2020 Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports

Melbourne, Australia (ABN Newswire) – Cohiba Minerals Limited (ASX:CHK) provide the December 2020 Quarterly Activities Report & Appendix 5B.

Highlights for the December 2020 Quarter:

– Drillhole HWDD03 was completed to a depth of 1,179.7 m (assays pending).

– Drillhole HWDD04 was completed to a depth of 1,464.7 m (assays pending).

– Drillhole HWDD01 was completed to a depth of 1,182.9 m.

– The Company exceeded its $1.5M expenditure milestone to secure 80% ownership of the Olympic Domain tenements and notified Olympic Domain of its intention to exert its right.

– Completion of a heavily oversubscribed Share Purchase Plan with $9.38 million received in applications and acceptance of $5.79 million following scale back.

– The Mining Plan and Mine Closure Plan for the Pyramid Lake Gypsum Project neared completion. An update is required for the Invertebrate Study which is underway.

Cohiba Minerals Limited provides below an update in relation to the exploration activities carried out during the December 2020 quarter.

To view the report, please visit:

About Cohiba Minerals Limited:

Cohiba Minerals Limited (ASX:CHK) is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange with the primary focus of investing in the resource sector through direct tenement acquisition, joint ventures, farm in arrangements and new project generation. The shares of the company trade under the ticker symbol CHK.

The Company recently acquired 100% of the shares in Charge Lithium Pty Ltd, which holds exploration licences in Western Australia.


Cohiba Minerals Limited


Andrew Graham