Lithium Australia’s Technicals Catch Investors’ Eyes

Lithium Australia

Shares of Lithium Australia NL (OTCMKTS:$LMMFF) moved on a volatility of -3.45% from open today with 433,911 shares trading hands. The company also saw a recent bid of $0.14.

So let’s take a look at what the fundamentals say about Lithium Australia. Fundamental analysis is useful because it takes into consideration market, industry, and stock conditions to help determine if shares are properly priced. Lithium Australia NL currently holds annualized EPS of -$0.01. The EPS rating is a quick way for investors to see how profitable a company is on a per share owner basis.

We can also look at the profitability ratios to better understand the stock.

Return on Assets is a ratio that measures how profitable a company is compared to its total assets. A high ROA indicates a company that is skilled at capitalizing on its assets, whereas a lower number indicates the opposite. Lithium Australia currently has an ROA of -34.47.

Like the ROA, the Return on Equity is a measure of the company’s total profits against another factor – in this case, shareholder’s investments. A higher number reflects well on a company’s upper management, whereas a low score may raise red flags about the company’s upper management. Lithium Australia currently has an ROE of -36.47.

Finally, we can take a look at the Return on Invested Capital. Lithium Australia’s ROIC currently sits at -36.47. Like the others, ROIC measures how profitable a company is against a specific factor. A high ROIC indicates a company’s management is doing well, whereas a low number indicates the opposite.

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About the author: Dylan is a content writer and editor located in Vancouver, British Columbia. He graduated from the University of Regina with BA degrees in both Journalism and History in 2016. His skills include writing, blogging, editing, and developing content for both print and internet media.